Monday, November 21, 2011

Burger King

I found this billboard on a funny blog I follow on and thought it was pretty interesting. As you can see, someone has put some graffiti on it to make fun of what I think is some bad advertising. The billboard shows desserts featured only at Burger King that you could have as a normal meal. The reason why this is so great is because the graffiti on the billboard points out the fact that this is why our country has such a high obesity rate—these types of advertisements.

Burger King has really been lagging behind in the advertising department for the last year. McDonalds, their biggest competition, seems to have a new commercial and new billboard every week. Having a billboard like this, and getting such negative feedback, will hurt the company and brand greatly. I don’t know what they were thinking. Because we do live in a society that is becoming one of the most obese places to live in the world, how could you think advertising desserts as main course meals would be a good idea? It’s not. It’s trying to play on a joke that’s not really funny and only contributes to the bad eating habits we have here in good ol’ America.

Even though Burger King really made a mistake in using this advertising method, plenty of other fast food restaurants play on the same idea. McDonalds used to be famous for selling and advertising fatty foods, but now have they've turned into a more family focused and healthy focused company. I only hope Burger King will catch on to the new healthy eating habits we are trying to have and keep in our country and perhaps they will steer away from eating desserts for every course.

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