Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sheets Energy Strips

Have you ever needed one of those pick-me-ups but didn't want an energy drink because of the extra calories? Then sheets, a new energy strip, is just the product for you. It has 0 calories, 0 carbs, and 0 sugar. But what's even better, is their advertising.

I guarantee you have seen one of these weird yet funny advertisements on billboards and commericials as well as in magazines. I think they have even set a new standard for corky advertising. But, is it just really strange, or is it really smart?

In my opinion, I think they are taking a silly joke, way too far. It's a little annoying and the whole gist of the advertising campaign really does not make me want to eat an energy strip. Take a look at these advertisements:

It definetly catches the eye and makes you stop and think, "wait a minute, seriously?" The first couple times I laughed about it. But now, after watching their "sheets commercial," advertised on their website, I really think this joke needs to end. They're just stretching this joke way too far! And another Pitbull commercial?

I guess you could say that the Sheets advertising definetly has a shock-factor to it, but I don't think its a good one. They really shouldn't have used this joke as their entire campaign. It's getting old already! Switch it up guys!

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