Sunday, October 30, 2011

CK One Shock -- Seriously, Calvin?

This new CK One commercial, promoting the new CK One Shock fragrance, is sure to catch your eye, but probably not in the way you had hoped. Calvin Cline's new campaign, targeting men and women mostly likely the age 18 years to 35 years, features several attractive, young, and half-naked men and women, dancing around an empty, laser-filled room, in front of an oddly placed camera. What's the message here? Oh, yeah. To buy Calvin Cline's new fragrance, of course! Not.

This commercial is so raunchy, sexual, and plain out inappropriate, that I don't think it should even be aired on TV. One of the biggest problems I have with this type of advertising, is the way they degrade people's self image. They portray the wearers of this scent to look and act in a certain way. And supposedly, that's the cool way. The women are super skinny and the men are perfectly chiseled. But why? That's probably not who's really buying this perfume. Why go down that road? Companies should really be trying to stay away from this type of advertising. They shouldn't be telling me what the perfect woman and man should look like.

Not only does it degrade the normal person's self image, but it's also way too inappropriate for everyday TV. It's wrong for this commercial to be shown. The whole commercial looks like it's about a bunch of kids, messed up on drugs, making out without clothes on, in front of a camera, and saying CK One, Shock. Why would I want to wear this scent? What in this ad has made me say to myself, oh yeah, I'd love that? Nothing! I wouldn't even buy this for a friend. This advertisement is just another sex ad but the kind that just doesn't work at all. Calvin tried to fool us with the techno music and rave lights, but he's not fooling anyone. All this advertisement is doing is making Calvin Cline looked like a dirt, sex oriented brand. This commercial will definitely change the minds of his loyal customers. I won't buy anything made by his brand ever again.

Here are two videos showing the new CK One campaign. The first is for the entire CK One campaign and the second is only the CK One Shock ad.

And it doesn't stop there. Check out what else Calvin has to throw at us on his website,

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