Monday, October 24, 2011

Value Billboards

I am a frequent passenger on Milwaukee’s bus system and at almost every stop I see these kind of billboards. They always have something uplifting or inspirational to say like this one shown above. While checking out the website, which is featured at the bottom of the billboard ( , I found out that these advertisements aren’t really advertising for anything at all. What they are really trying to do is, “promote positive values,” because people are basically good and all they need is a little reminder.

The Foundation for a Better Life is the organization behind and this brilliant advertising. In my opinion, these billboards are interesting because they aren’t trying to sell me some kind of meaningless product that I probably don’t even need, but they are trying to sell me something far more personal with actual meaning to my life, values. They are reminding and inspiring people to remember the good things in the world. Sometimes our days aren’t going so well and seeing these types of billboards around town may put a smile on your face.

I especially like that this organization features a lot of these billboards on college campuses. I think it’s a really good idea to focus on that target because sometimes our lives aren’t always fun and games and a simple reminder like this is a great way to keep moral up at a school. It’s also fun and not like the same old advertising you see everywhere. Try to spot one of these billboards out yourself on campus. It’s not hard to do and sometimes they really do inspire you. Here are some others I haven't found around Milwaukee but saw on their website:

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