Monday, September 26, 2011

New Volt Commercial

In June of last year, GM came out with their new and improved 2012 Volt. If you are not familiar, the Volt is a plug-in electric hybrid vehicle that was rated by the EPA in 2010 as being the most fuel-efficient compact car in the United States. The Volt can acquire an amazing 93 miles to the gallon using only its lithium powered battery and 35 miles using gasoline. Chevy claims you can “commute gas-free on electricity for an average of $1.50 a day.” Besides its awesome fuel efficiency and lessened carbon foot-print, Chevy really nailed it when it came to their 2012 commercials. Take a look for yourself. I found them quite funny.

This is the first commercial out of two:

And this is the second commercial:

I think Chevy did a great job in these commercials. I love the fact that they are taking their new green vehicle and advertising it with a joke. I believe green products need to be relatable to a wide range of audiences in order to succeed and I think Chevy hit the nail on the head. They used a joke that will be relevant to all ages hence the young boy, 30 year old man, and father that appeared in the commercial. Chevy also targets audiences who are looking to be more eco-conscious by poking fun at the gas stations.

Overall, I think Chevy truly succeeded. They took a green product and really created a great advertisement to go with it. I believe that this will not only help Chevy in their sales but also elevate their reputation for GM. People will feel better about buying their products because they know by doing so they are participating in helping the environment. Great job Chevy!

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