Sunday, September 11, 2011

Samsung Flexible Phone

Samsung Flexible Phone

You’re right! You have read correctly! Sometime next year, Samsung will be releasing a flexible screened phone using a new and innovative technology called AMOLDED. This new phone, perhaps being called the Galaxy, is one high-tech and futuristic idea that is finally coming to life.

The AMOLDED technology mentioned earlier is pretty remarkable. The screen of the phone is made with a polyimide plastic substrate, unlike the glass screens were all used to, which make it possible for the phone to bend and curl into a 2cm cylinder. Samsung has even gone as far as to say this phone is virtually “unbreakable”. The AMOLED technology is also very power efficient. Because there is no backlight, the power consumption is greatly lowered, great news for all those power eating cell phone users out there.

What’s even cooler is that Samsung is using this technology not only on their phones. They envision this technology will be used for various products like watches, smaller and larger phone devices, tablets, and MID’s. Samsung even mentioned there could be a collapsible or foldable tablet that turns into a phone. However, production time for the collapsible tablet was not specified.

I am very interested in seeing and hearing all the advertisements and reviews for this new product. Samsung has already state they believe this phone is “unbreakable”, which could easily come back to haunt them. Hopefully, there will be success in this product because it is such a new and high tech idea. It is one great step in the right direction technologically speaking. I’m excited to see the phone in 2012!

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