Sunday, October 30, 2011


In celebration of Halloween, I have decided to choose which candy advertisement, in my opinion, stood out the most this year. And my year's winner is this strange yet funny commercial made by Snickers. It definitely stays true to the always weird, witty, and fun advertising that the Snickers company has always had. But I thought this one was better than all the other Halloween advertisements because it appeals to a very large audience. It's cooky and funny and you are sure to have a laugh.

I think this commercial is great. It is a joke the young and the old can understand. And most likely, every kid wishes they could do this exact same thing. I mean, how perfect would it be if you could just fill your neighbors shopping carts with your personal favorites for trick-or-treating? It'd be awesome! You'd get the most delicious candy and at every house! This commercial wins the hearts of the trick-or-treat-ers and the treat-ees in a very clever way.

Snickers seems to be the one to beat for silly and funny advertisements. They constantly are pulling new jokes out of the hat and surprising us all with out funny they can be by being so weird. Weird and funny advertising definitely seems to be the way every candy company is going in nowadays. But I can't complain, I think they are hilarious! Keep em' coming!

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