Monday, October 10, 2011

Allstate Mayhem!

Allstate, whose advertisements are usually serious and to-the-point, has done an excellent job on this chain of hilarious commercials you see on almost every channel. Yes, I’m talking about the “Mayhem Man.” Their latest commercial, featuring Mayhem as a blind spot to a driver, made me realize that they truly nailed these commercials.

Not only does Allstate totally appeal to their target audience, which is most likely 18 year olds and up, but they also took this joke and created a goldmine. They can take this joke in whichever way they want. They can be silly, they can be a little more serious, but it always comes down to mayhem seriously messing up your stuff. I really enjoyed all of these commercials, but here are some of my personal favorites:

Allstate is a great insurance company. Its commercials are usually geared towards families and people who need a reliable and stable insurance company, that’s why I love these commercials. They tried something different and it definitely ended up being a good risk. I think they’ve really got something going on here. They are appealing to every target in these commercials. They are witty, funny, yet still accurate to what could actually happen in real life. Because there really is real-life mayhem!

I also love the catch phrase they have created from these commercials; “so get Allstate. You could save money and be better protected from mayhem, like me.” In my opinion, the whole campaign of the "Mayhem Man," was a great success. I can't wait to see what new, crazy, and obnoxious mayhem they'll come up with next.

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