Thursday, September 8, 2011

Chicago Bears vs Greenbay Packers

Last weekend, I ventured to Chicago for the labor day holiday. While on my short yet long drive, I began to notice all the different advertisements and billboards lining the highways and streets. One advertisement, one that's surely close to any Milwaukian's heart, caught my eye. It was a Miller advertisement. You know, the Miller Brewing Company famous in Milwaukee right down the street from campus? The surprising thing about this Miller advertisement was not only where it was located but the audience it was attracting.

Now, of course I know that Miller has to do advertising elsewhere and in every state, but what really got me was who this advertisement was for. We all have seen the Milwaukee advertisements for Miller Lite and the Packers, but what I bet you haven't seen are the advertisements in Chicago for Miller Lite and the Bears. That's right, Miller Lite has advertisements and billboards representing the Bears! And as you all know, the rivalry between the Bears and the Packers has been going on for about 90 years now and definitely isn't going away.

So what gives? How can a Milwaukee brewing company be supporting one of the NFL's longest lasting rivals? It's outrageous! Seeing how this is a fitting topic since today is the first game of the season, featuring our Greenbay Packers, give me your thoughts!

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